Approval has been granted for plans to upgrade the road connections between Motherwell and Ravenscraig, including a new signalised roundabout at Airbles Road/Windmillhill Street and a dual carriageway to the Ravenscraig Regional Sports Facility. The new road will run from the roundabout, east through the Orbiston Street industrial area before…
Glsagow CIty Region
As part of the Garrowhill Surface Water Management Plan (SWMP), the first phase of works at Early Braes Park to better manage rainfall has been completed. The second phase of works will be commencing shortly, with construction expected to be completed by summer 2022. The project in the east-end of…
Approximately £115 million is being invested in Glasgow city centre to deliver the Avenues programme, which is transforming the city centre’s streetscape and public realm – making it more people-friendly, more attractive, sustainable and economically competitive. Design and construction work is being phased over the period 2018 to 2028. Construction…
Seven years ago today the eight Regional councils signed the £1 billion City Deal agreement with the Scottish and UK governments. At last week’s Cabinet council leaders reflected back on what has been achieved since then – set out in the latest Glasgow City Region Annual Performance Report which showcases…
While the rationale for any Glasgow City Regional City Deal project is based on the economic, environmental and social benefits it will deliver, the forthcoming COP26 conference in the city later this year presents the opportunity to specifically highlight some of the environmental improvements that schemes will bring to the…
Hundreds of people have already got involved to help shape the future of Bishopbriggs town centre… and there’s still time to have a say. The Bishopbriggs Public Realm Plan is a key part of the Council’s £34.88 million City Deal Place and Growth Programme approved last year by the Glasgow…
This month, the Glasgow City Region Cabinet will consider the transformative economic impacts of the £1.3 billion Glasgow City Region City Deal in the City Region’s Annual Performance Report. The Deal, which was agreed with government in August 2014, will see local businesses benefit from an approved £116 million in…