Skills and Employment Portfolio

Our Skills and Employment Portfolio, led by South Lanarkshire Council, brings together a wide range of partners involved in the delivery of skills and employment in the City Region. This includes, our universities and colleges, our Regional Education Collaborative, Skills Development Scotland, the Department of Work and Pensions, the Scottish Government and the eight GCR Member Authorities.

The role of the Portfolio Group is to address the challenges we face as a Region and to deliver our collective ambitions. Work continues in delivering our ambitious Regional Skills Investment Plan. Launched in 2019, the RSIP supports people from all backgrounds to develop the skills that will help them share in the benefits of economic growth, to futureproof the Regional economy and to support our businesses to grow. Increased importance is being placed on ensuring skills investment and planning decisions are aligned to Regional Priorities, meet the needs of businesses and support inclusive economic growth.

Our Employability Teams continue to support those most disadvantaged in the labour market with a wide range of interventions to get and sustain people in employment and to ensure that no one is left behind. This includes a range of new initiatives prioritising employability support for people dealing with the impact of Covid-19, those made redundant and delivering the young Persons Guarantee.

We continue to explore opportunities for collaboration in the delivery of employment initiatives.

Our Priorities

Skills and Employment priorities for 2021 include:

  • Continue to progress collaborative employability models ensuring that labour market interventions support business growth, economic recovery and Fair Work First.
  • Explore added value from a regional approach to No One Left Behind.
  • Continue to deliver the Regional Skills Investment Plan ensuring greater alignment of skills delivery and demand to support inclusive economic growth, enhance productivity and contribute to mitigating climate emergency.
  • Develop new regional activity to support the Economic Recovery Plan including new Green Jobs, Digital Skills and in-demand jobs.

Our mission is to create a skills system which underpins a strong, inclusive, competitive and outward-looking economy. The system will be agile and resilient, adapting to challenges and opportunities emerging from global technological and economic trends.