
Progress on Clyde Waterfront and Renfrew Riverside project

Construction of the Clyde Waterfront and Renfrew Riverside project will help to create jobs now,…

City Deal Project Reduces Flood Risk with Raingardens

Attractive raingardens have been created as part of a key Glasgow City Region City Deal…

January 2021 Director’s Blog

Big ambitions for Glasgow City Region remain undimmed by Covid. Looking at the year ahead…

Director’s Blog

Considerable City Deal success in 2020 and ambitious plans for 2021. Reflecting back on the…

Planting Scheme to Improve Biodiversity at Community Park in Cardonald

Led by Southside Housing Association with support from a wide range of funders including Glasgow…

Glasgow Accepts £21.3m Sustrans Funding for Avenues Plus Project in City Centre

Glasgow City Council has approved the acceptance of up to £21.3million of funding from Sustrans…