To help bring forward more inclusive growth benefits for the people of the Region, we are coordinating and aligning strategic investment across the City Region with our utility and infrastructure providers, preventing duplication and delay and maximising shared benefits from our City Deal and wider public sector infrastructure investment.
We have developed a Regional overview of infrastructure requirements, capturing City Deal projects and other major planned infrastructure, to provide a clear picture of infrastructure investment throughout the City Region over the next five years.
There are five key outcomes from this work:
- improving alignment and coordination of investment and development plans to provide certainty and confidence to investors;
- sharing knowledge to provide certainty of investment on the side of the utility and infrastructure providers;
- adding value to existing land audit processes and improving partnership working; and
- establishing a robust dataset of development land aligned with infrastructure capability across the City Region.
Together with our utility partners, we have brought forward investment and increased capacity. We have already been able to demonstrate that we can reduce delivery costs across a number of sites by aligning utilities and member authority investments.
The development of a Regional Capital Investment Plan is a natural evolution of the Infrastructure and Assets Portfolio’s regional digital infrastructure mapping exercise offering increased confidence in investment that will benefit the regional economy.
Improving infrastructure and digital connectivity is vital to retaining and attracting investors and families to the City Region, meeting our ambitions for inclusive growth and a sustainable local environment.