In August 2022, Cabinet approved the Region’s UK Shared Prosperity Fund Investment Plan.
The plan was approved by the UK Government in December 2022. All eight member authorities in the City Region commenced delivery by 1 April 2023.
Glasgow City Region is the only area in Scotland to take a regional approach to the development and delivery of the UK Government Shared Prosperity Fund (UKSPF) investment.
The Investment Plan provides a summary of the UKSPF budget allocation by year and member authority, an indication of the SPF budget split by thematic priority, a high level outline of proposed activity and a summary of some of the main outputs from the UK Government investment in GCR.
The UKSPF prospectus outlines three thematic priorities as well as the adult numeracy intervention MULTIPLY;
- Communities and Place
- Supporting Local Businesses
- People and Skills.
The GCR Programme Management Office will be responsible for the overall management of UKSPF, including reporting, monitoring and evaluation of the programme, led by the GCR Head of UKSPF.
While operational delivery rests with each council area, individual projects will all support the agreed priorities within the Regional Economic Strategy (RES), and UKSPF funding will support activities within the RES Action Plan.
Following the approval of the original Investment Plan, an additional project has been added to the programme. Launched in 2021, the Clyde Climate Forest is a tree planting initiative in Glasgow City Region with a target to see 18 million trees planted over the next 10 years. The project will now be delivered by the Green Action Trust and managed by the GCR Programme Management Office.
For more information e-mail Mike McNally, GCR Head of UKSPF