The formal opening of the Govan – Partick Bridge will take place on Friday, 6 September. The bridge will be opened by ministers from the Scottish and UK Governments, the Leader of Glasgow City Council and local school children. The £29.5 million Glasgow City Region City Deal project – funded…
The first opening road bridge across the River Clyde is a step closer to completion as the first section of the Renfrew Bridge has arrived in Renfrewshire. Renfrewshire Council is leading the delivery of the £117million Clyde Waterfront and Renfrew Riverside project which will see the new bridge connect Renfrew…
Construction of the first opening road bridge over the River Clyde has taken a fresh step forward as new dolphins have been installed into position on the river. The dolphins are steel structures which are the latest part of the project to be completed and provide the additional safety infrastructure…
A Glasgow City Council committee today (25 November) awarded the contract for the Govan – Partick Bridge project to Farrans (Construction) Limited. This a Glasgow City Region City Deal project, with funding from the Scottish and UK Governments. The £29.5million project includes the construction of a new pedestrian/cycle bridge over…