Progress made on City Deal surface water management project at Penilee
Progress is being made on a Glasgow City Council-led City Deal project designed to improve greenspace and reduce flood risk in Penilee.
The project, which is the most recent phase of the Hillington and Cardonald Surface Water Management Plan will boost the attractiveness and biodiversity of Penilee Park.
It will also reduce pressure on the sewer network by creating extra capacity which will lessen the likelihood of future flooding in the area.
Work started on site in May, with construction undertaken by Covanburn. The engineering works are expected to be completed during January 2023, with the landscaping works completed during next year’s growing season.
Heavy engineering works are almost complete, with no further roadworks planned during this first phase of work.
Drainage basins have also been constructed and lined, so that excess rainwater can be stored.

Initial landscaping works that offer greenspace improvements will start soon and this will be complemented by further planting and grass seeding during the Spring 2023 growing season.
Subject to future funding, Phase 2 works will see new surface water sewers to be installed and a further basin created at Bowfield Place.
Glasgow City Region City Deal is behind this £1.2m project at Penilee, which is being delivered through the Metropolitan Glasgow Strategic Drainage Partnership (MGSDP) alongside the Scottish Government’s Nature Restoration Fund, managed by NatureScot.
The project received £115,000 from the Nature Restoration Fund to help create shallow basins and grassed channels to store surface water run-off. The amenity of the currently underused park will also be improved by improving access, creating natural play areas and enhancing biodiversity.
Both the UK and Scottish Governments are providing the Glasgow City Region local authorities with £500million each in grant funding for the Glasgow City Region City Deal.