South Lanarkshire
The heart of Scotland, with
thriving towns and sweeping rural landscape …
South Lanarkshire is the heart of Scotland in so many ways. It is centrally-located, with fantastic national and global connections via air, road and rail.
It is also Scotland in miniature, with a diverse combination of thriving towns and sweeping rural landscapes across a glorious 686 square miles, from the Cathkin Braes on the southern edges of Glasgow to the Pentlands in the east and the Southern Uplands in the south.
South Lanarkshire is home to more than 319,000 people and almost 10,000 businesses. It has an entirely new-built schools estate which is helping to further develop an already well-educated workforce, with significantly more adults in work than the Scottish average. South Lanarkshire’s GVA contribution to the Scottish economy is £5.5 billion and accounts for 5% of the Scottish economy in terms of registered businesses, jobs and turnover.
City Deal Projects
South Lanarkshire’s four infrastructure projects represent a total investment of £166 million.

Cathkin Relief Road
This new £16 million single-carriageway road was officially opened on 24 February 2017. It runs for a mile between Mill Street and Burnside Road. Several road junctions have also been upgraded, existing woodland areas have been complemented by extensive areas of tree and shrub planting and enhanced sustainable travel options delivered.
Stewartfield Way
The £62 million Stewartfield Way project continues to develop and as well as improving traffic flow, through capacity improvements, the project will deliver active travel infrastructure, improvements to public transport and low carbon vehicle infrastructure.

Greenhills Road
The widening of Greenhills Road / A726 is a £25.7 million project which will see two sections of road transformed into dual carriageways. Existing junctions will also be improved along with active travel infrastructure and improvements to public transport.
Community Growth Areas
Four community growth areas have been identified in Newton, Hamilton, Larkhall and East Kilbride. This £62 million scheme is delivering a number of individual education, transport and community infrastructure projects to enhance the lives of the people living in each of the four areas and beyond.
More information
For more information and the latest news visit the South Lanarkshire website.