Stage 1 – Appreciative Inquiry
Active desk based research and interviews to support a better understanding of existing decision-making processes on regional large-scale capital infrastructure projects.
Stage 2 – Development Cohort
The learning from Stage 1 will be used as content to support the co-production of the CHIIA tool. This will involve a series of thematic sessions including key stakeholders from across the region, subject matter experts, and importantly communities, to develop a prototype of the CHIIA tool.
Stage 3 – Piloting and refining the CHIIA tool
This stage will focus on piloting the CHIIA tool on projects of various sizes and stages of development. This includes piloting the CHIIA tool on:
- The Glasgow City Region Housing Retrofit programme, a proposed £10 billion scheme to insulate homes across the Region, and:
- The Clyde Metro, regional integrated transport system.
Throughout this process the CHIIA tool will be refined; making changes to the tool based on the learning and feedback from those pilot projects who are putting it into everyday practice.
Stage 4 – Embedding and disseminating of CHIIA tool
Once refined the tool will begin to be embedded into regional decision making processes, using available levers. This will also require dissemination of project learning and knowledge sharing across Glasgow City Region, Scotland and the rest of the UK.